

Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

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Rank and Missions


1-2 Roasted Corn

Millioncorn is cheap and Fire crystals are the noob-moneymaker, so hop on a low-level job and spend an hour in Ghelsba to get yourself some crystals. Either use the Roasted Corn while leveling a pre-Qufim tank job, give to a friend, or sell to NPC.
Fire Crystal + Millioncorn
Yield: 1
Stack: 12
HP+6, DEX-1, VIT+3, 30 min

2-6 Grilled Hare

Again, leveling a low-level job will get you some Fire Crystals and Hare Meat without much effort. I call these Ghetto-Kabobs, and used them to level pre-Qufim melee jobs. Can also be sold back to NPC.
Fire Crystal + Dried Marjoram + Hare Meat
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
STR+2, INT-1, Attack+11%, 60 min

6-10 Orange Juice

The first food of mage-goodness! Water or Earth Crystal recipes are a chef's best friend!
Water Crystal + 4 Saruta Oranges
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
MP refresh: 1 MP per tick, 1 min.

10-16 Roast Shroom

Yay! WHM food.. or profit! Farm your own shrooms! You can kill many many funguars at what I like to call: Funguar Headquarters (the Spore place in Jugner Forest). There are three recipes that make the same thing.
Fire Crystal + 2 Sleepshrooms + Rock Salt
Fire Crystal + 2 Danceshrooms + Rock Salt
Fire Crystal + 2 Woozyshrooms + Rock Salt
Yield: 1
Stack: 12
MP+10, STR-1, MND+3, MP-while-healing: +2 per tick, 30 min

16-20 Apple Juice

Yay, the next juice!
Water Crystal + 4 Faerie Apples
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
MP refresh: 1 MP per tick, 2 min. 15 sec.

16-20 Selbina Butter

To save, or not to save... That is the question! Many places I've read to save your Selbina Butter because you'll use it later. This is absolutely true. However, you're going to be making LOTS of butter, and if you buy the ingredents from NPC, you can make a profit! I personally sold *most* of my butter.. as I got closer to level 20, I used the butter for the next two recipes.
Ice Crystal + Selbina Milk + Rock Salt
Yield: 4
Stack: 12

18-22 Baked Popoto

I had a Warrior tank friend who loved using these around levels 40-50, so I didn't have to worry about selling at AH or to NPC. I'm not even sure what they sell for.
Fire Crystal + Popoto + Selbina Butter
Yield: 1
Stack: 12
HP+20, VIT+2, DEX-1, 30 min

19-23 Baked Apple

This is the Ghetto-Apple Pie. They aren't overly cheap to make and don't sell, so I would only make these if you want to use them or if you have a friend that does. (I had a RDM friend that took them off my hands at lower levels.)
Fire Crystal + Selbina Butter + Maple Sugar + Cinnamon + Faerie Apple
Yield: 1
Stack: 12
MP+20, INT+3, AGI-1, 30 min

20-26 Meat Jerky

Another variety of the Ghetto-Kabob, this is a fairly cheap recipe to make to level those pre-Qufim melee jobs.
Ice Crystal + Giant Sheep Meat + Dried Marjoram + Rock Salt
Yield: 2
Stack: 12
STR+1, Attack+10%, 30 min

25-29 Insect Ball/Paste

Any fisherman knows that this bait is the fastest-selling and most in-demand. And any good chef knows to skill up on this! The ingredents are ungodly cheap and you can make a bit of a profit on these.
Earth Crystal + Little Worm + Millioncorn + Distilled Water
Yield: 12
Stack: 12

26-30 Pineapple Juice

This is the mage chef's choice for all-purpose juice, based upon its easiness to find ingredients, cheapness, and effectiveness.
Water Crystal + 2 Kazham Pineapples
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
MP refresh: 1 MP per tick, 4 min.

30-34 Iron Bread

Cheap ingredients.. buy them all from NPC. Sell back to NPC.
Fire Crystal + Distilled Water + Rock Salt + Sandorian Flour
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
HP+4, VIT+1, 30 min

34-37 Bubble Chocolate

Not overly cheap... but not nearly as expensive as failing Mithkabobs. Sell at AH or NPC if you're desperate for inventory space.
Fire Crystal + 4 Kukuru Beans + Maple Sugar + Selbina Milk
Yield: 12
Stack: 12
MP-while-healing: +1 per tick, 30 min

37-38 Meat Mithkabobs

Unlike many people, I decided to wait until last minute to skill up on these. Cockatrice meat is pricey if you're buying it, and you sure don't want to fail the synth and lose them. If possible, farm your Cockatrice Meat... you can make 25k+ profit on 12 synths if you do.
Fire Crystal + Cockatrice Meat + Mhaura Garlic + Kazham Pepper + Wild Onion
Yield: 12
Stack: 12
STR+5, AGI+2, VIT-1 INT-1, Attack+22%, 30 min

38-40 Melon Juice

Nice juice.. but the cost to make to just skill up isn't too nice. This is the second best MP-refresh juice. It has the same MP-per-tick Refresh as Yagudo Drinks, but Yagudo Drinks last slightly longer.
Water Crystal + Watermelon + Thundermelon
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
MP refresh: 2 MP per tick, 2 min. 15 sec.

38-42 Pie Dough

Another "to save or not to save" foods. Selling at AH will make you some profit if you buy the ingredients at the right prices, however you will be using lots of Pie Dough in the future. I sold some of mine.. and saved a few stacks to use in the next recipe.
Water Crystal + Rock Salt + Selbina Butter + Sandorian Flour
Yield: 4
Stack: 12

42-48 Apple Pie

Yay!!! Mithkabobs are the first milestone, but this is the #1 mage milestone on the cooking path!
Fire Crystal + Faerie Apple + Lizard Egg + Cinnamon + Maple Sugar + Pie Dough
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
MP+25, INT+3, AGI-1, 30 min

46-50 Apple Pie

For Apple and Melon Pies, there are two variations. Using Lizard Eggs will cap your skill 2 levels lower than using Bird Eggs. Which also means using Lizard Eggs will allow you to synth more successfully at a lower level than using Bird Eggs.
Fire Crystal + Faerie Apple + Bird Egg + Cinnamon + Maple Sugar + Pie Dough
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
MP+25, INT+3, AGI-1, 30 min

50-53 Bretzel

At this point cooking is kinda stinky. Things don't sell, ingredients are expensive, or you have no use for anything. Bretzels are easy to make, and even easier just to sell back to NPC. (I sent some to my WAR tank friend just to get rid of some.)
Fire Crystal + Sandorian Flour + Selbina Butter + Rock Salt + Bird Egg + Distilled Water
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
HP+14 VIT+2 DEX-1, 30 min

52-55 Beaugreen Sautee

Very small ingredients list.. Sell to NPC.
Fire Crystal + Selbina Butter + Beaugreens
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
AGI+1, VIT-1, 60 min

55-58 Ginger Cookies

You will end up with so many cookies, you won't know what to do with them. My suggestion: sell them all to NPC or use them on a pre-Qufim job that has MP.
Fire Crystal + Sandorian Flour +Selbina Butter + Ginger Root + Maple Sugar + Lizard Eggs + Distilled Water
Yield: 12
Stack: 12
MP+10, 30 min

56-60 Pet Food Zeta Biscuit

A new BST pet food is now available, and although I never skilled on pet foods, this one seems like it would've been a good one to have to take a break from constant pie-making, and it's cheap! I've read it caps at 60..
Earth Crystal + Lizard Egg + Distilled Water + San d'Orian Flour + Couerl Meat
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
rumored to heal 275 hp for your pet

57-60 Yagudo Drink

Finally.. the best juice! These can be pricey to fail, so you might want to get to 58 on the cookies first, although I got very sick of cookies and went on to the Yag Drinks.
Dark Crystal + Yagudo Cherry + 3 Buburimu Grape
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
MP refresh: 2 MP per tick, 3 min.

57-61 Stone Cheese

I didn't look ahead far enough when I was leveling, so I didn't make this at this point in time. However I'm throwing it in here because I wish I had made 1 or 2 batches so I could've skilled up on it, since I needed it later. I recommend you do this and save it... it's hard to find Stone Cheese on AH, and you'll use it later.
Dark Crystal + Selbina Milk + Rock Salt
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
HP+3, INT-2, 30 min

58-62 Melon Pie

I preferred taking Yag Drinks to the cap before starting in on the pie, since you end up with many many pies. Melon Pies sell fairly fast on AH.
Fire Crystal + Thundermelon + Lizard Egg + Cinnamon + Maple Sugar + Pie Dough
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
MP+25, INT+4, AGI-1, 30 min

59-63 Apple au Lait

When you get bored of making pie, you can make this regen drink for a small profit.
Water Crystal + 2 Faerie Apples + Honey + Selbina Milk
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
HP regen: 2 HP per tick, 3 min.

60-64 Melon Pie

The Bird Egg variety...
Fire Crystal + Thundermelon + Bird Egg + Cinnamon + Maple Sugar + Pie Dough
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
MP+25, INT+4, AGI-1, 30 min

61-65 Bison Steak

One excellent food to make for melee (anyone who uses meat kabobs) is Bison Steak. It was reported the cap is 65 for this recipe. These are awesome.. I gave a few free ones to friends and others have bought some from me... and people love it! The only problem right now is the lack of the main ingredient.. until more people start killing in CoP areas. Oh, and they don't sell too well on AH.. since.. PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT IT DOES! I personally didn't skill up on this since it wasn't available to me, but I probably would have done these as a nice break from Melon Pies.
Fire Crystal + Bay Leaves + Black Pepper + Olive Oil + Buffalo Meat + Rock Salt + Rarab Tail
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
STR+6, Attack+15%, INT-2 (Possibly DEX+3.. but not sure, haven't personally tested!)

64-68 Colored Egg

The dreaded Egg-that-never-sells... Ingredients are easy to obtain, but you'll want to sell these back to NPC.
Fire Crystal + Distilled Water + La Theine Cabbage + Sandorian Carrot + Bird Egg
Yield: 1
Stack: 12
HP+10, MP+10, Attack+2%, 30 min

66-70 Sandorian Tea

When you get tired of eggies, make this tea. Sells decently at AH, or give to a Bard friend. I just got sick of eggs so I made this a few times.
Fire Crystal + Distilled Water + Maple Sugar + Selbina Milk + Sage + Windurst Tea Leaves
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
CHR+2, VIT-1, 60 min

67-71 Eyeball Soup

Yay.. p-r-o-f-i-t on a normal synth! These don't sell -fast- like kabobs, however they -do- sell! And did I mention.. for a profit?!
Fire Crystal + Apple Vinegar + Beastman Blood + 3 Hecteyes Eyes + Gelatin + Frost Turnip + Distilled Water
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
Accuracy+12, CHR-10, HP-while-healing: +4 per tick, 60 min

71-76 Rarab Meatball

Ew.. another hump in road to becoming a Master Chef. These just stink to make, but selling to NPC isn't -too- bad. They leveled me fairly fast.
Fire Crystal + Sandorian Flour + Stone Cheese + Black Pepper + Mhaura Garlic + Rock Salt + Distilled Water + Bird Egg + Hare Meat
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
HP+8, MP+8, STR+2, INT-1, Attack+10%, 60 min

73-77 Navarin

These awesome.. and sell good on AH and for a bit of a profit. However you'll end up with tons of these, so I made a lot of meatballs since they sold ok to NPC. Try to sell Navarins to your NIN friends! I think since I skilled up on these, they've become more well-known and used. AH History seems to have picked up its pace since I made them for skill. ^^
Fire Crystal + Black Pepper + Popoto + Olive Oil + Rock Salt + Giant Sheep Meat + Wild Onion + Mithran Tomato + Distilled Water
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
HP+20, STR+3, AGI+1, Attack+10%, Evasion+5, INT-1, 60 min

76-79 Chocomilk

These sell alright on AH.. a bit slower than Navarins, however. Lots of Kukuru Beans to get, however, and not much of a profit, if any, so I'd stick with Navarins to 77.
Fire Crystal + Distilled Water + Honey + Selbina Milk + Maple Sugar + 4 Kukuru Beans
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
MP-while-healing: +3 per tick, 60 min

79-83 Chamomile Tea

These sell better than Chocomilk, but my skill ups were a bit slow. Selling to NPC you lose pretty much gil, so sell on AH if possible. Or if you're a Bard, use them!
Fire Crystal + 2 Chamomile + Honey + Distilled Water
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
MP+8, CHR+2, VIT-1, MP-while-healing: +1, 60 min

80-83 Pamama au Lait

These sell pretty well at AH.
Water Crystal + 2 Pamamas + Honey + Selbina Milk
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
HP regen: 2 HP per tick, 10 min.

81-85 Pumpkin Pie

Sweeeeeeet! The yummy Pumpkin Pies!! These are awesome to make, and give a nice profit. The only problem you might encounter is acquiring the pumpkins if the region is controlled by beastmen. And contrary to Apple and Melon pies, Lizard Eggs can NOT be used to make Pumpkin Pies or Rolanberry Pies.
Fire Crystal + Ogre Pumpkin + Selbina Milk + Pie Dough + Bird Egg + Distilled Water + Selbina Butter + Cinnamon + Maple Sugar
Yield: 4
Stack: 12
MP+40, INT+3, AGI-1, CHR-2, 30 min

85-90 Rolanberry Pie

You'll feel like an uber-chef when you start popping these things out of the fire. Sell good on AH and you make a profit. Only thing that stinks are that these pies don't stack.
Fire Crystal + Rolanberry + Pie Dough + Sandorian Flour + Maple Sugar + Gelatin + Selbina Milk + Bird Egg
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
MP+50, INT+2, AGI-1, 60 min

85-91 Persikos au Lait

If only there was an MP refresh drink this good.. These sell extremely well on AH, and for a profit if you don't fail your synths. I started making these at 85 and only failed 1 synth out of 24, using advanced support.
Water Crystal + 2 Persikos + Honey + Selbina Milk
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
HP regen: 4 HP per tick, 10 min.

89-91 Flint Caviar

Flint caviar is part #2 in a three-part recipe. The first part is Emperor Fish + Lightning Crystal = Emperor Roe x4, which caps skill at 82. However since Emperor Fish costs 5k+ per fish (and sometimes it's rare to find on AH, I think it's Fishing 70+), I do not recommend skilling up on Emperor Roe. That is also the reason why I didn't skill up on Flint Caviar for too long, either. Next step: Tonosama Rice Balls! And whatever you do, SAVE the Flint Caviar!
Dark Crystal + Emperor Roe + Rock Salt
Yield: 3
Stack: 12
HP+10, MP+10, DEX+4, CHR+4, MND-1, 30 min

90-94 Black Curry

This is decent tank food, however it's pricey (3-5k-ish) and doesn't sell. Only 5 have ever sold at Jeuno AH (and my mule, Jujubee is one of them!!) Also, two of the ingredients don't stack (Curry Powder, Gugru Tuna), so it's a pain to make these unless you have empty inventory. I got quite a few skill ups, and I it sells to NPC for over 1k.
Fire Crystal + Black Pepper + Curry Powder + Nebimonite + Woozyshroom + Eggplant + Gugru Tuna + Distilled Water
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
VIT+3, DEX+2, INT+1, Defense+18%, HP-while-healing: 2, 60 min

91-94 Tonosama Rice Ball

Yay! Any Samurai friends will love you to death if you make them some of these! And if you happen to HQ one of these, you'll love yourself to death! (Hello Shogun Rice Ball... Hello 20k!) This is part #3 of our three-part recipe. As it turns out, one of those Emperor Fish will yield 2 stacks of Tonosama Rice Balls if you don't fail any synths along the way. Other than the Caviar, this recipe is fairly cheap to make. The Tonosama Rice Balls don't sell as quickly as kabobs, but these -do- sell. If the AH is out of Emperor Fish, chances are the AH will run out of Tonosama Rice Balls, and people will start contacting you because your name is on the list. (AndI'm not kidding! I found two excellent customers this way... well, actually, they found me!)
Fire Crystal + Flint Caviar + Tarutaru Rice + Pamtam Kelp + Rock Salt + Distilled Water
Yield: 2
Stack: 12
HP+15, DEX+3, VIT+3, CHR+3, 30 min
HP+15, DEX+3, VIT+3, CHR+3, Attack+45, Defense+32, Double Attack+1, 30 min (with Samurai AF hand equipment)

93-96 Brain Stew

A great overall taru mage food, if you have the money to burn to buy them! (These run about 9k each at AH!) The reason I say "taru mage" food is because of the lack of +MP stats.
Fire Crystal + Sandorian Flour + Crying Mustard + Apple Vinegar + Gelatin + Honey + King Truffle + Yellow Globe + Distilled Water
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
DEX+5, MND+5, INT+5, STR-5, VIT-5, AGI-5, HP-while-healing: 3, MP-while-healing: 3, 60 min

94-99 Sweet Rice Cake

This is one of the few high-level recipes that doesn't require obscure ingredients like Dragon Meat or Divine Sap. However it DOES require an ingredient called Fresh Mugwort, which sells for about 60k/stack at AH. The second obstacle is having inventory space. Gardenia Seeds do NOT stack. Sticky Rice do NOT stack. Oh yeah, these have the most awful yield number I have ever seen. They sell for about 4k per stack, so you're definitely going to lose money if you're buying the Fresh Mugwort.
Fire Crystal + Maple Sugar + Cinnamon + Sticky Rice + Gardenia Seed + Fresh Mugwort + Distilled Water
Yield: 9
Stack: 12
MP+17, VIT+2, INT+3, MND+1, HP-while-healing: 2, MP-while-healing: 2

94-100 Cursed Soup

These don't sell fast (you need an abjuration to actually uncurse the soup before you can you use.. the uncursed soup is called Ambrosia), nor do they sell for very much to NPC. And they're a pain to make because Royal Jelly is EX, meaning you can't buy it and you have to farm it. But at least it's a lot cheaper than making Sweet Rice Cakes.
Water Crystal + Kitron + Persikos + Honey + Distilled Water + Royal Jelly
Yield: 1
Stack: 1
uncursed = Ambrosia: HP+7, MP+7, STR+7, DEX+7, AGI+7, VIT+7, MND+7, INT+7, CHR+7, MP-while-healing: 7,
HP-while-healing: 7