Rank 9 Windurst


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions


Doll of the Deed

The Orastery Minister has awoken and the Bearer of Darkness once again terrorizes Heavens Tower. At the request of the Manustery you are to speak with a person imprisoned within the Boyahda Tree and discover the truth behind the doll of the dead.

After receiving the mission, talk to Apururu at the Manustery, then to Star
Sybil in Heaven's Tower, then talk to Apururu again and Yoran-Oran gives her a letter which Apururu recognizes. The mission now becomes finding Apururu/Ajido's father somewhere in Boyahda Tree.

You'll need a Goobbue Humus item (Rare/Ex) to complete this mission. You
can obtain this item any time whether you have the mission or not. They drop
from Old Goobbues and Elder Goobbues in the Boyahda Tree. Elder Goobbues
are exp material for lvl 66-69 PTs or Beastmasters, so you can easily find
people fighting them. The item isn't a rare drop. One Goobbue exp session
I saw about 6-8 of those drop, we discarded all them anyway. You can either
get some friends and go hunt for the item or just go to the area where exp
parties are fighting Elder Goobbues and shout for some PT to invite you and
let you lot on the drop, offer to pay some gil if you wish.

After getting the Goobbue Humus, go to first map of Boyahda Tree, you'll
find 2 doors around E-4 and F-5 that are guarded by Mandragora Warden NPCs.
Speak with one of them and it seems to want something from you, now trade
it the Humus. Watch the long cutscene with the tarutaru in there. Afterwards
go back to talk to Apururu, then visit Full Moon Fountain to complete the
Moon Reading

To lure the Bearer of Darkness to the Full Moon Fountain, you must collect the three verses of the ancient people. As her guiding star, the Star Sibyl is counting on you to help her decide the path for Windurst's future. The fate of Windurst rests upon your shoulders!

Speak to Star Sybil after getting the mission, she asks you to collect 3 ancient song verses. They are in Ro?Maeve, Chamber of Oracles and Temple of Uggalepih.

Ro'Maeve - This one you can solo easily, just bring some sneak oils with you (even for mages) as there are magic aggros everywhere in Ro?Maeve. Once there, examine the Qu'Hua Spring at H-6, this is the first place the doll led you to in M8-1. Get the key item Ancient Verse of Ro'Maeve after a

Chamber of Oracles - Ride to C-12 of Western Altepa Desert via a tunnel from D-11. Enter Quicksand Cave, sneak is needed throughout this area. You enter at J-11, follow the path to a door with a switch circle before it at I-9. This is weight controlled door, you'll need 1 Galka or 2 of the other races or 3 Tarutarus standing in center of the circle to open the door. At the T-intersection ahead turn left, go to H-7 and open another weight-operated door. Keep going and fall down at E-7 to the lower sand level. Now just hug left and you'll eventually enter the Chamber of Oracles. After a cutscene
there you receive the key item Ancient Verse of Altepa.

Temple of Uggalepih - First fight Tonberry Cutters in the temple for a Uggalepih
key, it's a fairly common drop. Once you have the key, start from the main entrance to the temple (I-6 of the first map), and keep hugging right until F-5 where you'll zone back into Yhoator Jungle again at H-11 of the jungle. If you don't have the map, just check your pos now and then to see if you're on the right track. Btw, only invisible is needed throughout the temple.

Once in Yhoator, walk west a bit and re-enter the temple, this is the map where coffers spawn. You start at I-5 on the map, turn right at the first T. Walk to a wood gate at H-7, drop invis to open this. Through the gate, turn right, walk to a T at F-7, turn left there. Head south a bit and turn right, you'll come to a door at E-8. This door need Uggalepih key to open. But there are tonberries in front and behind this door, and they can see through doors. So be very careful when dropping invis to open the door, and quickly re-apply invis afterwards. Alternatively you can bring some people with you and just kill any tonberries in the room (1 key opens the door for everyone to enter). Once in the room, examine a ??? near the 4 bookshelves
down the back for the Ancient verse of Uggalepih.

Return to Star Sybil with the 3 verses for a cutscene and your final task:
BC battle at Full Moon Fountain.

A party of 70-75 is needed for a safe fight. You?ll fight 4 Ace cardians,
followed by a manticore/wyvern duo. The cardians are the usual BLM/WHM/RDM/PLD combo. But since you have to fight 2 battles in a row, you should kill 3 cardians, then sleep the 4th one while you rest MP back. The recommended
order is BLM > RDM > PLD > sleep and rest > WHM. Also save TP on the WHM, for the next fight. You battle a wyvern and a manticore, Ajido-Marujido also fights and if he dies you lose, so have the white mage focus on keeping Ajido alive, along with the rest of the party. Fight Wyvern > Mancitore.

After winning the BC, head to Heaven's Tower one last time for Rank 10, 100k
gil and Windurst flag. Congratulations!