

Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions


0-2 Arrowwood Lumber- Wind Crystal, x1 Arrowwood Log

Arrowwood Logs from Logging, Guild Shop, or Norvallen Region Vendor, about 12 Gil

Sell results at AH or save for later use on Arrows


2-5 Maple Lumber- Wind Crystal, x1 Maple Log

Maple Logs from Logging, AH, Guild Shop, or Fauregandi Region Vendor, try to get them for 120 Gil or less a piece

Sell results at AH


5-8 Ash Lumber- Wind Crystal, x1 Ash Log

Ash Logs from Logging, AH, Guild Shop, Norvallen Region Vendor, or merchant in Airship Dock (you must have an Airship pass for this), try to get them for 150 Gil or less a piece

Sell results at AH


8-9 Holly Lumber- Wind Crystal, x1 Holly Log

Holly Logs from Logging, AH, or Guild Shop, try to get them for 500 Gil or less a piece

Sell results at AH


9-16 Bloody, Holy, or Acid Bolts- Earth Crystal, x1 y/Holy/Acid Bolt Heads, x1 Ash Lumber

Bloody/Holy/Acid Bolt Heads from AH, 3-4k a stack, varies often
Ash Lumber from AH, 2.5-3k a stack

Sell results at AH


16-21 Maple Sugar- Lightning Crystal, x1 Maple Log

Maple Logs from Logging, AH, Guild Shop, or Fauregandi Region Vendor, try to get them for 120 Gil or less a piece

Sell results at AH for best return, or NPC them at a loss


21-22 Yew Lumber- Wind Crystal, x1 Yew Log

Yew Logs from Logging, AH, or Guild Shop, try to get them for 350 Gil or less a piece

Save for Yew Wands or sell at AH


22-23 Yew Wands- Wind Crystal, x1 Yew Lumber, x1 Yagudo Feather

Yew Lumber from those you have made, AH, or Guild Shop, if buying try to get them for 370 Gil or less a piece
Yagudo Feathers from AH, 100-500 Gil a stack

Sell results at AH for best return, or NPC them at a loss to the Guild Shop


23-30 Silver Arrows- Earth Crystal, x1 Ash Lumber, x1 Silver Arrowheads, x1 Yagudo Fletchings

Ash Lumber, make it yourself, buy from Guild Shop, or buy from AH
Silver Arrowheads from AH, prices vary from 3-4k Gil a stack
Yagudo Fletchings from AH for 300-500 Gil a stack

Sell results at AH, it is your choice whether or not to put them into Quivers


30-32 Oak Lumber- Wind Crystal, x1 Oak Log

Oak Logs from Logging, AH, or Guild Shop, try to get them for 5k Gil or less a piece

Sell results at AH


32-37 Beetle Arrows- Earth Crystal, x1 Arrowwood Lumber, x1 Beetle Arrowheads, x1 Chocobo Fletchings

Arrowwood Lumber, make it yourself or buy from Guild Shop
Beetle Arrowheads from AH for 1-2.5k Gil a stack (prices fluctuating greatly on these)
Chocobo Fletchings from AH for 200-500 Gil a stack, or make them yourself (level 2 Clothcrafting cap, Wind Crystal, x2 Chocobo Feathers, 6 Yield)

Sell results at AH, it is your choice whether or not to put them into Quivers


37-42 Fang Arrows- Earth Crystal, x1 Arrowwood Lumber, x1 Fang Arrowheads, x1 Yagudo Fletchings

Arrowwood Lumber, make it yourself or buy from Guild Shop
Fang Arrowheads from AH for 700-1.5k Gil a stack (prices fluctuating greatly on these)
Yagudo Fletchings from AH for 300-500 Gil a stack

Sell results at AH for best return, or NPC them at a loss


42-49 Horn Arrows- Earth Crystal, x1 Arrowwood Lumber, x1 Horn Arrowheads, x1 Bird Fletchings

Arrowwood Lumber, make it yourself or buy from Guild Shop
Horn Arrowheads from AH for 1.5k-3k Gil a stack (prices fluctuating greatly on these)
Bird Fletchings from AH for 400-700 Gil a stack

Sell results at AH for best return, or NPC them at a loss


49-59 Scorpion Arrows- Earth Crystal, x1 Arrowwood Lumber, x1 Scorpion Arrowheads, x1 Insect Fletchings

Sell results at AH

59-60 Darksteel Bolts- Earth Crystal, x1 Darksteel Bolt Heads, x1 Yew Lumber

Darksteel Bolt Heads from AH for 15-16k a stack
Ash Lumber from AH for 2.5k-3k a stack9-62: Darksteel Bolts – Earth Crystal + Yew Lumber + Darksteel Bolt Head
Note: I suggest you Lumberjack the Yew and quiver the results. They sell for a nice profit.

59-62: Tarutaru Fishing Rod – Light Crystal + Broken Taru Rod
Note: Take a bunch of rods and your choice of big fish bait to the ferry. Fish off the stairs, and repair the rods as they break. Repeat until you're out of rods/crystals.


62-68: Bodkin – Earth Crystal + Arrowwood Lumber + Armored Arrowhead + Black Chocobo Fletching
Note: Much better than Demon Arrows, Bodkins may actually profit on your server, depending on availability.

68-73: Clothespole – Light Crystal + Broken Clothespole
Note: See Tarutaru rods above for how to break. I suggest breaking all the rods you have and going back to the guild for support on these until about 70.

68-72: Tarutaru Folding Screen – Earth Crystal + 3x Rattan Lumber + 3x Parchment
Note: To be honest, I used the Fishing path, so this is all hypothetical from this point forward - this seems like the cheapest available synth at that level.

73-80: Lu Shang's Fishing Rod – Light Crystal + Broken Lu Rod
Note: Again, see above, but be especially careful here. If you zone during the synth, if you are damaged by anything, or if you get a spell cast on you during the beginning of the synth you will lose the rod! Otherwise, you can't lose the broken rod from a failed synth. Be sure you know how much time you have until the ferry docks, keep away from Sea Horror and other mobs and try not to synth it when pirates attack any AoE can wreck your rod.

72-77: Commode – Earth Crystal + 5x Rosewood Lumber
Note: With Rusty Fishing in the toilet, these sell for a lot less than they used to. Save 1 for your guild test and make a bit back on them if you can in the AH.

77-81: Battle Fork – Earth Crystal + Ash Lumber + Trident
Note: It's either this, or Cabinets.


80-83: Mithran Fishing Rod – Light Crystal + Broken Mithran Rod
Note: Like before take these to the ferry and break them. Use meatballs for best results.

81-86: Eremite’s Wand – Earth Crystal + Willow Lumber + Hermit’s Wand
Note: This is a great alternative to doing the Mithran route but finding Hermit’s Wands can be a pain. Check the AH often and don’t plan to powerlevel through here.

83-87: Mithran Fishing Rod – Wind Crystal + Rattan Lumber + Rainbow Thread
Note: This will cost quite a bit per synth but at minimal loss depending on your server. This may even bring in a profit.

87-91: Kabura Arrows – Earth Crystal + Bamboo Stick + Kari Arrowhead + Giant Bird Fletching + Ram Horn
Note: This synth REQUIRES Lv53 Bonecraft to do. You shouldn’t lose much money here and probably will make a profit depending on your server. However the ingredients take up lots of space in your inventory and will give you a headache.



91-92: Divine Lumber – Wind Crystal + Divine Log
Note: If you can get a level out of these you might as well.

91-94: Eight Sided Pole – Earth Crystal + 2x Walnut Lumber + Mythril Ingot
Note: Pretty cheap synth compared to the rest of the stuff in this range but it REQUIRES Lv31 Smithing. Best get smithing up before coming here.

94-96: Lqr. Tree Sap – Water Crystal + Lacquer Tree Log
Note: This is option 1 of this level range, do the one that will suffer the least loss on your server.

94-97: Divine Sap – Water Crystal + Divine Log
Note: Like above this is option 2.

94-98: Royal Bookshelf – Earth Crystal + Brass Ingot + 3x Mahogany Lumber + 2x Ebony Lumber + 2x Lqr. Tree Lumber
Note: Option 3, you may want to combine all three or just do one, its up to you.

96-99: Lancewood Lumber – Wind Crystal + Lancewood Log
Note: Depending if you did Royal Bookshelf this may just be a simple bridge synth for you.

99-100: Iron Splitter – Wind Crystal + 2x Walnut Lumber + Adaman Ingot