Rank 8 Windurst


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions



At the request of the Aurastery, you are to discover the whereabouts of their former minister who fled from his duties several years ago.

The gate guard will direct you to the Aurastery. At the Aurastery, speak to Moreno-Toeno for a cutscene, and receive the key item "Star Seeker" (a magic doll).

There are two parts to this mission - the first part can be done solo. For part one:
Go to H-6 in Ro'Maeve and examine Qu'Hau Spring. If you've never been to Ro'Maeve, the area is overrun with everything imaginable that agros to magic, so Silent Oil is an absolute necessity. After examining Qu'Hau Spring, you will get a small cutscene.

Part two (the part that requires an alliance - at least 12 people @ 65+
Go to Davoi. At H-11, zone into Monastic Cavern. Go through Monastic Cavern - at I-8, zone back into Davoi. You'll see a house up on a hill when you zone back into Davoi - this is where you're headed. To get there, continue north along the path; it will wrap around the house and lead to an elevator. Take the elevator to the top and go inside the house. Inside will be 2-3 assorted Orcs - Champions, Warriors, etc. - which need to be cleared. The NM you must fight is also in the room, so be wary.

The NM is Dirtyhanded Gochakzuk, a level 71 Black Mage. He'll open the fight with a nice area effect damager, so pulling with Elemental Seal + Silence is the way to go. He'll spawn on top of what appears to be a bed against the far wall of the room from the entrance. Once defeated, he'll drop two Curse Wands - every Windurstian on the mission needs one of these, so you'll probably have to fight him several times. Respawn time is 15-20 minutes.

Once you've finished with the NM, head over to J-8 and speak to Sedal-Godjal (the taru from the orb quest for the level 60 cap quest). Speak to him until he asks for a Curse Wand, then trade him the wand for a cutscene.

Return to Moreno-Toeno in the Aurastery to complete the mission.




The Jester Who'd Be King

The time for the Dark Dungeon jailbreak is at hand! At the request of the Manustery, you are to collect the ministry rings from all five ministers.

The preperation can be done solo. Get the mission from the gate guard and trot over to the Manustery to speak with Apururu. He explains that his brother is locked in a Dungeon, and only you can save him, by collecting five rings to open the dungeon door. These rings are mostly from past missions - you have to go speak with the NPCs to collect them. Collect the four rings from:

Apururu - Manustery Ring ( Manustery - received upon first conversation/cutscene)
Tosuka-Porika - Optistery Ring (Opistery, Windurst Waters)
Sedal-Godjal - Aurastery Ring (J-8, Davoi)
Rukusu - Rhinostery Ring (F-6, Lower level of Fei Yin)

Once the four rings have been collected, speak with Apururu again, who will send you to Kupipi (receptionist in Heaven's Tower). Speak to Kupipi to learn that to collect the last ring, you must go to Horutoto Ruins.

A party of at least 14, level 65 or higher is recommended for the fight. Go to the F-4 West Sarutabaruta tower. Once inside, go through the Cracked Wall at I-6, then to the Cracked Wall at G-7. Med to full and buff up before examining the wall - examining triggers the fight immediately. You'll be fighting two level 72 Cardian NMs: Queen of Coins (RDM) and Queen of Swords (PLD). Once the mobs are dead, examine the Cracked Wall for a cutscene, then return to Windurst for more running around.

Go first to Apururu for a cutscene. He will direct you to Shantoto, who, after another cutscene, will direct you back to Apururu. During this cutscene with Apururu, he'll tell you to go rescue his brother from the Dungeon. Head now to the Horutoto tower entrance at J-7 in East Sarutabaruta. Past the 3 mages gate, at I-7, you will find the Gate of Darkness. Examine it for.. another cutscene.

Return (again) to Windurst, the Manustery, and Apururu, for a final cutscene, Rank 9, and 80,000 gil.