Rank 5 Windurst


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions


The Final Seal

On the Star Sibyl's command, you are to head north to the ruins of Fei'Yin, somewhere on the Beaucedine Glacier. There, you are to confirm whether the final seal is doing its job.

Talk to your hometown Mission NPC

(Note- Since you need to head to Fei'Yin for the Warp II scroll quest "Curses, Foiled A-Golem" from Shantotto, Windurst Walls, you might as well activate that quest before going.)

When your alliance is ready head to San D'oria and exit to East Ronfaure. In Ranguemont Pass you will be told that this is a ONE WAY trip so make sure you have either teleport, Warp or a warp scroll. If you don't have a map head north east to L-4.

For the first part of the Warp II scroll head to the bottom of the tower at I-7. Head to Fei'Yin Tower at J-5.

At Fei'Yin Tower finish the Warp II scroll quest at F-6 (bottom floor) then head to the burning circle on K-9 of the first floor (where you entered). If you dont have a map just head east and south as much as possible. There are MANY MANY things that go aggressive to magic here. On the other hand, you only need SNEAK to run by EVERYTHING in this tower.

The boss is a NM skeleton with a weak mob of 6-8 minions. There is a level cap of 50 for the boss and only 6 people (one party) can enter at a time. However, you can help out when completed.

Go back to your hometown to finish this mission
The Shadow Awaits

As written in the stars and interpreted by the Star Sibyl, you are to destined to journey to Castle Zvahl, which towers over Xarcabard, the end of the known lands. There, you are to witness what fate has in store for our world.

PT of lv57+

Talk to Your Mission NPC

Everybody should buy a couple silent oils, and in addition, fighters should buy several hipotions, and mages should buy several yagudo drinks.

Castle Zvahl is located in Xarbacard. Go west from the vars crystal and you'll reach there in a very short time. You may aggro some Evil Eye or Demons along the way, but do not worry, just run into the entrance.

After entering Zvahl Bailey, you have to work your way to the west in the first map. The monsters over there are not strong, so go ahead and fight along the way if aggroed (you can walk behind Evil Eyes (if high enough level, if not, sneak) and Demons and not get caught). When you see the first crossroad, don't go through the middle (dead end). Go around the left or the right road.

From the 2nd map, cast invisi and go through the area to the west again (look at the map and see how). If you reach the "Quadav Region", cast sneak instead. After this map, you will reach Zvahl Keep.

At this point, just keep fighting when you see any enemies. In the first map, find your way to the top of the map. In the 2nd map, find your way to the west exit of the map.

You should have reached a series of teleport devices. Be careful of the demons, but you should be able to get behind them and not get detected. After the last teleport, just run to the west exit of the map. Don't worry about demons/eyes that get aggroed and head to the zone line. Open the door and exit.

You have reached the the final area. Rest your HP and MP to the max, and gather in front of the door. When you enter, you'll see an event and the fight begins.

There are 2 forms of Shadow Lord, and the first stage is the most dangerous. When you enter the room, do not fight Shadow Lord first. Cast your prefight spells (protect/shell/etc) and eat your power up food. At the beginning of the fight, have a main fighter attract all the attention, with that fighter use his 2 hour skill. All the mages go up the stairs and start curing (with the main focus on the main taunter).

When Shadow Lord enters its invincible mode (you'll see the fighters doing only 0 damage), the mages should start firing damage spells (preferably ancient spells). If out of MP, use yagudo drinks, or even use the black mage 2 hour skill to continue bombing. When the invincible mode is over, the magic attacker should rest MP. The rest of the fight should not be a problem.

After the first form of Shadow Lord is beaten, you'll see an event. After the event, fighters use the silent oil, and the mages can use silent oil or sneak. After that, rest the HP and MP. Be careful if sneak is about to be wear out!

When everybody is in full health and ready to fight, everybody come in close to fight the 2nd form of shadow lord!!

In this form, all Shadow Lord does is a wide area attack. All mages should simply use their curega spells. All fighters should activate their 2 hour skill and use their strongest weapon skill whenever they can (no renkei). Shadow Lord should be killed rather easily in this mode.

After defeating Shadow Lord and watched the event, just go back to Windurst and report.

Rank 6 and 20000 gil