Rank 1 Windurst


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions


The Horuroro Ruins Experiment

The Minister of the Orastery is conducting an experiment in the eastern magic tower of the Horutoto Ruins, located in East Sarutabaruta. Inquire at the Orastery first, then go assist him.

Activating : Get the mission from the gate guard, talk to the Hakkuru-Rinkuru in the Orastery to activate the quest.
Inn Horutoto : After activating the quest go to "inner horutoto" which is located around the middle area of East Sarubaruta. In there, go to the "Door of the Magical Gizmo" and you'll get a cut scene. After that, examine the 6 Magical Gizmo around the area and get out.
Reporting : Talk to the Hakkuru-Rinkuru in the Orastery to report the mission.


The Heart of the Matter

Assist the Manustery in the creation of Cardians. You must go to the southeastern magic tower of the Horutoto Ruins in East Sarutabaruta, and energize the Mana Orbs that serve as the hearts of the Cardians. Inquire at the Manustery first for details.

After talking to the guard, go to the Manustery in Windurst Woods and talk to Apururu. He sends you to Outer Horutoto Ruins

Outer Horutoto is located around the west area of East Sarubaruta.

Once you get there, examine the six Magical Gizmo there. After examining all of them, go to the Door of the Magical Gizmo and get a cut scene. After that, examine the six gizmos once again and get out. You will be greeted by cards once you're out.

after the Cut scene, go back and talk to Apururu in Manustery to finish the mission.


The Price of Peace

Receive two bags of food offerings from the Rhinostery, and deliver one bag to each of the Yagudo who stand by the altars of offerings in Giddeus. Don't forget to report back to the Rhinostery after completing the mission.

Activating : get the mission from the gate guard as usual, and talk to Leepe-Hoppe on the roof of Rhinostery(South of Win Waters, you will get 2 Key items from him.
Then Head to Giddeus : bring the food and water and talk to the two NPC yagudos in giddeus. The two yagudos are guarding the caves. (G-7)Ghoo Pakya, (H-7)Laa Mozi. Talk to them and then you are done.

Go back and talk to Leepe-Hopee again. After that, talk to the gate guard.

Rank 2 and 1,000 Gil