Rank 8 San d'oria


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions


Coming of Age 8-1
Client: Gate Guard
Reward: None
Skippable: No
Items Needed: Drops of Amnio
First talk to the Gate Guard to pick up this mission. Once you have it log, head over to Chateau d'Oraguille and talk to Halver. He'll tell you that you need a key item in the Quicksand or at the very least direct you to the Quicksand as your next destination. Now grab a party of say about level 66+ together before heading out.

Make your way to G-9 of Eastern Altepa Desert and enter the Quicksand from there. Once inside Quicksand just head west to D-9 at the end of the hallway and turn south or to your left into a room where there's a sandpit at the end at about E-11. Now drop down the sandpit. Follow the passsageway until you come to sort of a fork in the road. Take the one that is to your first left as the other one will lead you out to zone of the Desert. You should seen arrive at Fountain of Kings. Best to camp in the tunnel. At this point you might want to clear the areas of cactuars and anticas before popping the NMs for the fight.

When you ready, sneak the person who will pop and pull the NMs. You will be facing two Kraken NMs. They won't aggro you if you have sneak on. You only need to kill one of then and let the other one despawn. But that will only work if you let one despawn before you kill the first one. Or you can just kill both. Which ever method works for you. Use a long range pull and pull one of the Kraken. It doesn't really matter which one you pull. Once you kill the first NM Kraken, if the other NM Kraken hasn't despawn yet then you'll have to pull that one and kill it as well because the depop trick only works if one depopped before the other one is killed. After killing both Kraken or just one Kraken and letting the other depopped, sneak everyone again and examine the ??? mark again to get the key item, Drops of Amnio.

Now it's time to head back to Halver with the key item. Halver will then tell you to come back later. Which is after 9AM PST of next day or after 9AM PST if you happen to return to Halver earlier in the morning on the same day. Zone into North San D'Oria to get the final cut scene to complete this mission.

Lightbringer 8-2
Client: Gate Guard
Reward: Rank 9 and 80000 gil
Skippable: No
Items Needed: Prelate Key
Once you pick up this mission from the Gate Guard, you are required to talk to the King in Chateau d' Oraguille and then talk to Rahal in the Knights Quarter there. Rahal will give you the key item, Crystal Dowser. It is very important that you talk to Rahal and get this key item or else your journey forth will be worthless. A lot of people seem to forget to talk to Rahal on this mission.

The area you will be venturing in is Temple of Uggalepih. The area inside the Temple where you need to find the NMs is behind a Granite Door that will require you to use a Prelate Key to open. So of course your first job is getting a prelate key. Now if no one in your alliance has a prelate key then you'll going to have to farm one. It is best to try and farm for a prelate key before actually doing this mission to complete is because farming for a key can take hours depending on how good your luck is. The Prelate Key is a rare/ex item and is for one time usage only and is commonly dropped from Tonberry Stabbers. Other tonberries in the same area as the Stabbers dropped them too but mostly Stabbers commonly dropped them. Once you zone inside the Temple at the main entrance, you go left and through the granite door. Go north then east then north, following the corridor until your reach the stairs and zone out to Yhoator. From here on go straight then make a right turn followed by another right and go straight until you zone again. You're now back into the Temple with a staircase leading down and right, camp here and look for Tonberry Stabbers and other Tonberries next to those Stabbers. Kill everything in sight till a prelate key drop from a Tonberries. Once you have a prelate key, the first part is done so let's move onto the second part.

Assuming you have the prelate key, it's time to make your way to the area where the fight with the NMs will occur. From the main entrance of the Temple, take the path leading right and keep going right until you zone out to another section of Yhoator. Turn left, keep going and you'll zone into the Temple again. If you run into a wooden gate you know you're heading the right way. Continue south until you come to a T-intersection at H-10. Turn left and you will meet the Temple Guardian. Kill the Guardian to get the door open. The Guardian only major problem is Meltdown so have stun ready. Once it is dead, the door will open leading to a room with 4 sets of staircases. Also in this room is the Manipulator, NM that aggros only to magic. He circles the perimeter of the room, which is also inhabited by a lot of tonberries. If you brought an alliance, you can take out the Manipulator easily if you want to.

You should see a stairway right above you as you enter this room area after killing the Temple Guardian. Go up the stairways to reach a Granite Door. This door will ask you for a prelate key if you examine it. When everyone is ready, use the key to open the door and have everyone go inside. Once in keep going and when you reach a fork in the road turn left. You should now see four stone doors along the long hallway, this is where the boss fight is. The hallway is filled with Tonberries and Magic Pots. In addition, 2 of the stone doors will have a doll and a magic pot inside. Your first order of business is to clear the entire hallway of tonberries and magic pots. You'll also need to go inside each of the stone doors and check if there's any mob inside that will aggro to magic as well and clear them out. Once everything is clear out, you'll need to go inside 3 of the 4 doors. One of the doors you won't be able to open until you have gotten 3 broken keys, key items. The door that you can't open will be the one that will pop the NMs. Go inside 3 of the doors and look for the ??? in each of them. Once you examine a ???, you should get a broken key. One of the rooms will have two ??? so in a case where you examine a ??? and didn't get anything, try and see if there's another ??? in the room as well. Once you have all 3 broken keys go back outside to the hallway and make your way in front of the one door that you couldn't enter earlier. Rest up and buff your alliance up. When you are ready, examine that door to pop the two NMs dolls, Nio-A and Nio-Hum. Now you should have a recommended two parties of 65+. If you do then you shouldn't have too much problem.

The strategy is very simple, have one tank and a white mage pull one of the NM away and solo it at the other end of the hallway for a bit. Everyone else will just gang up on the one doll. The dolls aren't very hard but they do have meltdown so make sure you have a stunner there to be ready to stun the doll. Take one doll down and then move onto the next doll. Once both NMs are dead, re-examine the door again to get your final cutscene letting you know it's time to head back to San D'Oria because your investigation is over. Do so by talking to the King and getting your reward and next rank.