Rank 4 San d'oria


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

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Rank and Missions


Magicite 4-1
Client: Ambassador
Reward: Rank 5, Airship Pass, & 10000 gil
Skippable: No
Items Needed: Magacites
This mission begin in Jeuno. Go to Ru'Lude Gardens and talk to your local ambassador. He'll then send you to the Archduke of Jueno. His palace is in the north area of Ru'Lude Gardens. After your audience with the Duke, he'll give you a letter that you need to take to Aldo in Tenshodo HQ as well as assigning you the tasks of examing the magacites located in various beastmen strongholds.

Beadeaux Magacite

In order for you to gain access to Beadeaux Magacite, you'll need to obtain three key items. To get these key items, head to Neptune's Spire in Lower Jeuno then go to the back and enter the Tenshodo HQ and talk to Aldo to get the first key item. Note that in order for you to gain access to Tenshodo HQ, you need to other have a Tenshodo Invite which you can buy at the Auction House or you can get a Tenshodo Membership Pass by completing Tenshodo Membership quest. After talking to Aldo, talk to Sattal-Mansa in the HQ and he'll ask you to get two items for him in Beadeaux. In return, he'll give you the last two key items you need to access the Beadeaux Magacite. The two items that Sattal-Mansa needs are Quadav Charm and Quadav Augery Shell. Both of which are dropped from a couple of NMs in Beadeaux. Well it's time to head to Beadeaux at L-11 in Pashhow Marshlands. It's a good idea to buy a map of Beadeaux in Bastok before you head to Beadeaux.

Inside Beadeaux, head into the tunnel at H-7. Once in the tunnel, follow the path down until you reach an intersection at H-7. The east path is the way to the Qulun Dome, and the Magicite. But you need to take the west path first to get the key items needed from the NMs. Follow this path until you come to an intersection, and head right at G-7, for left is The Afflictor, which will curse you. You have to be silenced by The Muter to not be cursed when walking past The Afflictor. You'll see The Muter and you need to click on it and activate it to become muted.

The damage dealers should touch the Muter to be silence so they can't be cursed while the mages mainly the white mages should touch the Afflictor to be silence so they can't be cursed. Once past these machines, the white mages can use cursna and silena to cure everyone of status ailments. Now follow the tunnel and back outside of the tunnel at F-8. Once outside rest up fully from the machines and cast sneak or use silent oil. Make your way to E-10 pass the Muter and Afflictor and climb the little steps there to get above ground. Find a good spot to rest up fully from the status ailments that those machine gave you. Now it's time to start making your way to the two NMs. Head to I-9 area above the ground and you should find De'Vyu Headhunter. Kill him to get the Quadav Charm. A party of level 40 should be able to take him with no problem. You may need to kill him multiple times to get everyone their charms. Once everyone has their charm, head over to F-6 to find Go'Bhu Gascon above ground area. Kill him to get Quadav Augury Shell. Once all your party members has their Shells and Charms, it's time to head back to Tenshodo HQ and trade them in to Sattal-Mansa to get the last two key items. Trade the Shell and Charm to Sattal-Mansa one at a time and not together or else you won't get both key items.

Once you have all three key items, head back to Beadeaux and into the first tunnel again. This time take the east path at H-7 and zone into Qulun Dome and find the Magacite there. Examine it to get the cut scene to finish off the Beadeaux Magacite.

Davoi Magacite

In Upper Jeuno, talk to Baudin and he'll ask you to get him a Coeurl Meat. Just head to the Auction House and buy one and trade it to him. You now have the key item for Davio Magacite.

Enter Davio and head to G-7 where you will find the Wall of Dark Arts. You can either clear the area of Orcs if you are in a party or have invisible on and wait till the Orcs back are turn and drop invisible and enter the Wall of Dark Arts. Zone into Monastic Cavern to find Magacite there. Examine it to get the cut scene.

Castle Oztrajo

In Upper Jeuno find and talk to Paya-Sabya. After that head to Muckvix's Junk Store in Lower Jeuno and talk to Muckvix to get the key item for Oztrajo Magacite. Now it's a good idea to buy a map of Castle Oztrajo in Windhurst Woods before heading out to the castle at L-8 in Meriphataud Mountains.

Now you need a party of 40+ for this part or a high level friend to escort you. It's possible to actually solo this part yourself with just invisible but you need to be very skilled to avoid aggro. When you enter the castle, head to the door at I-8. Have everyone stand back and away from the door except for the guy pulling the switch. There are two levels. One will open the door while the other will open a trap door. It's random so just guess which level will open the door. If the guy pull the trap door by mistake then just have him make his way back to the iron door again and try the other level.
Once the iron door is open, head inside, head to the right and up the stairs. You come to an intersection at I-8 and need to head right. Follow this all the way straight and don't take the right turn at I-7. Follow this until you come to another intersection, which is also on the second floor of the castle. Don't drop down my mistake. If you do, you have to start this all over again. Stay near the edge of the walls, and take the tunnel at G-8, which will eventually lead you to an outside court at G-7.
Again, you will be on an overpass. Go right and take the tunnel at I-7. Once you enter the tunnel it's pretty straightfoward. Head up the stairs, then down, and follow them until you reach an intersection. You're now heading into the lower depths of Castle Oztrajo, where Yagudo will start to aggro even to parties of 40+ so be careful on how you fight them. It will be fine if you don't have any links. But just keep invisible on and keep going. Once you reach the intersection at H-8, head right. Follow this through the bend, and go straight, ignoring the left turn at G-9, and ignoring the left turn again at G-9 when you follow the bend. Follow this straight and you'll eventually come to the torch door for you to use your key item. Kill the few Yagudo here, and head right at the intersection at H-10. Open the door, and enter the Altar Room to get the Magacite cutscene.

Once you have done all the Magacite cutscenes, head back to the Archduke Palace and talk to him and he'll give you that airship pass. Now head back to the Embassy to recieve your new Rank and money to complete this mission.