Rank 2 San d'oria


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions


The Rescue Drill  2-1
Client: Gate Guard
Reward: N/A
Skippable: No
Items Needed: None
Talk to the gate guard to pick up this mission. If you don't see this mission available for you to do then you may need to boost your rank bar up by trading crystals to the guard that cast signet on you or do the previous repeated missions over again to boost your rank bar.

The gate guard will send you to La Theine Plateau to do some training. Head out to La Theine Plateau and talk to a NPC standing near the trail. He'll direct you to the other guard, Equesobillot at F6-F7 near the Ordelle Cave ravine. Now head down to the ravine and talk to all the guards there. They will tell you about the a missing guard that's still inside Ordelle Cave. Now head inside Ordelle Cave and find Rulliont. Rulliont is right inside near the entrance on the left side where there's a pond. He's crouching and hiding behind a rock so you may miss him by mistake if you don't look carefully. So don't make the mistake of going inside the Cave too deep. Talk to Rulliont who will mention that he wants his sword before he can leave. Now you need to go outside and find his sword.

Make your way outside Ordelle Cave and talk to all the guards around the ravine and even to Equesobillot as well as the guard standing near La Theine Plateau trail. One of the NPC will have his sword so it's random for everyone which is why you need to talk to all of them including the NPC that is standing all the way at La Theine Plateau trail. Once you find the NPC that have the sword, make your way back inside Ordelle Cave and talk to Rulliont to give him his sword back. Now that Rulliont has his sword back, go outside and talk to Deaufrain NPC. Once that's done, you can now go back to San D'Oria and talk to the gate guard to complete the mission. Recommended level to do this is at level 18+.
The Davoi Report 2-2
Client: Gate Guard
Reward: N/A
Skippable: Yes
Items Needed: None
This mission is skippable so if you don't want to do it then trade crystals to boost your rank bar high enough so that the next mission after this mission becomes available for you to do. Recommended level to do this mission is at level 25+.

Talk to the gate guard who will tell you that you need to retrieve a report in Davio. Now head over to Jugner Forest at G-12 and enter Davio. Talk to the NPC that's hiding behind the tree to get an idea of what to do. He has the report but he's missing a page which you need to go and find that page for him. Go to about J-8 of Davio to find a !. Examine the ! to get the missing page. Now head back and talk to the NPC behind the tree. Now he will give you the full report and ask you to deliver it to Prince Pieuje. Head to North San D'Oria and to the top floor of the cathedral to find the prince. Talk to the prince to finish this mission.

Journey Abroad 2-3
Client: Gate Guard
Reward: Rank 3 & 3000 gil
Skippable: No
Items Needed: Mythril Sand or Parana Shields
This is a two part mission and how you complete this mission depends on where you go first to complete the first part. The end result is the same where you need to fight a NM Dragon.

Talk to the gate guard who direct you to Halver in Chateau d' Oraguille. Halver will direct you to go to the embassies in Windurst and Bastok to gather some information for him. At this point your mission is broken up depending on which city you go first.

Going to Bastok First
Head inside Metalworks and meet with Savae and Riault in San D'Oria Consulate. They will tell you to talk to Bastok President Pius. Do so by heading to his office in Metalworks. The President then tell you to talk to Grohm inside the Craftmen's Eatery in Metalworks. Grohm will tell you a bit about Palborough Mines and what you need to do there. He'll also give you a few pickaxes but just to be safe, go to the Auction House and buy a few more pickaxes. Before heading out to Palborough Mines, you might want to buy a map of the mines from Karine in Bastok Markets at H-9. Head to North Gustaberg at K-3 and enter the mines. Inside the mines at J-8, you'll find a Mythril Seam. Use the pickaxes and dig yourself up some Mine Gravel. Once you have the gravel, head up to the top floor of the mines and find the Refiner at J-7. Trade/put the Gravel inside the Refiner and drop down to the bottom of the Refiner and pull the level. If you done everything right, you should get Mythril Sand. Once you have the Mythril Sand, head back to San D'Oria Consulate in Metalworks and trade it to Savae to finish the first part.

For the second part, head to the San D'Oria Consulate Windurst Woods and talk to Forine and Maurice. They will send you to Heavens Tower in Windurst Walls to get a key from Kupipi. Get the key and buy a map of Giddues in Windhurst Woods from Pehki Machumaht at H-11. Now head off to Giddues and make your way to G-12 where you will find a burning circle also known as BCNM. Prepare yourself for the fight with a NM Dragon. Once you defeat the Dragon, report back to the ambassador in Windhurst Woods and then back to the gate guard in San D'Oria to complete the mission.

Going to Windhurst First
Head to Windhurst Woods and talk to Forine and Maurice inside San D'Oria Consulate. They will tell you that they require two parana shields which are dropped off of a NM in Giddues. Before heading out to Giddues make sure to buy a map of Giddues. Now head to Heaven's Towers in Windhurst Walls and talk to Kupipi. Kupipi gives you a magic shield to deliver to U Zhoumo the Yagudo. Head out to West Sarutabaruta and enter Giddues at F-8. Once you're in Giddues head to the underground area through F-8. Once you're in the underground area head to F-6 to find U Zhoumo and give him the magic shield. Now it's time to get two parana shields. The NM Buxu the Silent is in the underground area at about H-7. You should see him wandering around there unless he's been killed already. At level 25 you should be able to solo him with some difficulty. You can kill him no problem if you have a partner. You will need to kill him twice to get two parana shields. Once you have two parana shields, go back to San D'Oria Consulate in Windhurst Woods and trade them to the embassador there.

For the second part after finishing Windhurst, head to Bastok and up to San D'Oria Consulate in Metaworks and talk to Savae and Riault. They then tell you to talk to the President of Bastok. President Pius then send you to talk to Grohm. Grohm then send you to Palborough Mines. You'll probably want to buy a map of the mines before heading out to in at K-3 in North Gustaberg. Once you are inside the mines, make your way to the top floor and enter the burning circle (BCNM) at H-10. Prepare yourself for the fight with a NM Dragon. Once you defeat the Dragon, report back to the ambassador in Metalworks and then back to the gate guard in San D'Oria to complete the mission.

Strategy for NM Dragon Fight
You'll need 4-6 party members to complete this mission. The level restriction is 25 so all members above that level will be delevel down to 25 so make sure to have level 25 gear on. Only those that have completed the mission or on the mission and have their dragon fight in the same area can enter the battlefield. You cannot have a guy who's dragon fight is in Giddues helping the guy who's dragon fight is in Palborough Mines. That won't work. It's possible to do this with only 4 members as long as you have a healer (whm) and a sleeper (blm or rdm). There's really two mobs you have to kill, Seeker and Black Dragon. The strategy is very simple, sleep the Black Dragon and kill the Seeker first. Once that's done the Black Dragon shouldn't be any problem. You can still do it without a sleeper but it will be a bit more challenging. Recommended level for this BCNM fight is 24-25.