Rank 9 Bastok


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions


The Salt of the Earth 9-1

You have been assigned to an investigation in the Vallbow Region. Speak with senator Alois for further details.

1. Get the mission from the gate guard (you will need to trade crystals; i traded almost 8 full stacks).
2. Talk to Alois in the president's office (door on the left) for a cutscene.
3. Talk to Dancing Wolf (In Rabao on the far side of the pond, to the right of the stores and the windmill).

4. Go to Gustav Tunnel (The 2nd sheet of MAP) and go to G-6 (We camped at G/H-7 at the top of the hill near G-6).
5. Spawn the NM. TO do this, sneak a blm and another person and have them go to the ???. the one person pops the NM by targeting the ??? in the water, and the blm sleeps it right away (if you don't do this, you will get aggro by lots of skeletons and those party members will have to escape).
6. After popping the mob, sneak up again if necessary and run back to the camp (you will not lose sneak by poping the mob, unless you get hit).
7. Once the slime comes to your camp, sleep it, allow the tank to flash and voke it a few times to build hate.
8. Have all your mages nuke the crap outta it until it is dead, white mages included, as holy and banish 2 work pretty good. NOTE: Do NOT engage the slimes as if you engage them, they will do a wicked AoE attack that did 800+ to everyone. It did that to our alliance and killed 6 people (mostly our taru mages)! If that happens, simply sleep the slime(s) and rest up. They sleep very easily.

The fight starts off with one Gigaplasm. Once you kill it, it turns into two Macroplasms. Each one of those turns into two Microplasms and each one of those turn into two Nanoplasms. Be sure your mages target only one plasm at a time, and have your black mages sleep the rest. We had three tanks, two of which were dedicated to keeping the hate of the sleeping plasms (one of the two Macroplasms will have to be slept for a long time, as you see on my chart, you fight it 9th).
I would suggest killing it in this order as it worked beautifully. (We fought this battle twice.):

As long as you follow this guideline you should be okay. The Microplasms and Nanoplasms fall very quickly.

After you defeat all the Plasms, everyone needs to sneak up, run to the ???, and touch it, to aquire the Miraclesand key item. NOTE: If someone doesn't sneak, the skeletons will surely kill them, they will have to be tractored all the way back to the safe spot, raised, and they will NOT be able to get the key item!! You will have to fight the NMs again. (This happened to us, one of our dead members touched the ??? after being raised and the NM poped again and killed him again!) This is a real pain, so be sure to bring silent oils and prism powders do you don't have to depend on the mages. It is not their responsibility.

After you aquire the key item, return to Rabao and talk to Dancing Wolf. There will be a short cutscene. Then return to the president's office and talk to Alois again to complete the mission.



Where Two Paths Converge 9-2

An adventurer has been attacked while on an investigation to Xarcabard -- and the attacker is said to be none other than the Dark Knight, Zeid! Report to the President's Office for a briefing on the situation at hand.

This is a 6 person BC fight against one boss.

1) Accept the mission from the gate guard (you will need to trade more crystals; i had to trade just over 8 more stacks)

2) Go the president's office. Talk to iron eater and he will let you in. Prepare for one crazy cutscene!

3) After the cutscene, head to the Throne Room in Castle Zvahl Keep and enter the BC.
NOTE: At 63 everything was EP to me in Baileys and same with the Keep. On the way to the Throne Room, the 70+ didn't draw aggro ever (with no sneak and invis).

1) Once inside the throne room, run straight across to the big door on the other side. Heal up, buff, eat food, and then when you are ready, enter the BC by targeting the door and selecting "Where two paths converge" off the list.

2) Once inside, don't move towards the boss until everyone is inside.

The boss uses AoE WS that induces sleep to everyone (regardless of what anyone tells you, this is true. Our pld died because of it. It cast it twice in the fight.) so have the white mage use a poison potion or two during the fight to stay awake (It seems to have a very large range, and very little if any chance of resist) Barsleepra might not be a bad idea either. Eventually Volker will join the fight (at about 50% HP of the boss's HP left for us, or after about 1-2 minutes).

After a short cutscene, the battle will resume. Volker will attack the boss with you and must be kept alive. NOTE: If he is killed the battle will end in a loss, however, he only got hit once or twice for us for little to no damage. The boss can and will spawn 2 mobs called "Shadow of Rage". They have decent attack and very low hp, so if you can, use a Lv 3 elemental -ga magic to quickly defeat them while the melee types continue focus on boss. If you don't have a black mage (we didn't), just make sure they aren't attacking Volker or your mages (provoke or flash them off if they are) and continue to concentrate on the boss, as they really didn't do much. Continue grinding away until the boss is dead. After the fight there is another CS.

Return to the president's office and talk to Iron Eater to enter. After a funny cutscene, you achieve rank 10 and a Bastok Flag to put in your mog house (put the item in your Mog Safe and choose Layout to put it on the wall)! As you walk outside, Naji will give you a letter from a surprise NPC and 100,000 gil. Our battle clear time was 4 minutes 47 seconds.

NOTE: The Bastok Flag will give you a new Moghancement that doubles the Conquest Points you earn while you have Signet. If you don't get it when putting your flag up, try removing some of the furniture you have in your mog house.