Rank 8 Bastok


Advanced job quests

Races of Vanadiel

Linkshell Pictures

Rank and Missions


The Chains That Bind Us 8-1

The president has ordered a full-scale investigation of Zepwell Island. You are to travel to the Quicksand Caves located in the central Altepa Desert. Report to Iron Eater for a briefing.

1. Western Altepa Desert (G-6) -> Quicksand Caves
2. (G-11) Galka Statue, Behind several doors that can be opened by stepping on the circles that detect weight, (several people may be required to open them)

3. ??? (target) -> 3 NM Antica pop
Centurio IV-VII??Warrior ?? Kill third
Princeps IV-XLV??Paladin ?? Kill second
Triarius IV-XIV??Black Mage ?? Kill first

** First thing in battle, the NM BLM will cast Sleepga, which put my entire alliance to sleep??.
4. After 3 are beaten, target ??? again for an event.
5. Go to the place which is not displayed on a map from the byroad in
the south of Western Altepa Desert (C-11), and goes into the Quicksand
6. From the (C-11) entrance, follow the passage around, pass the first weight detection door, and go in the second (It will be on the right at (K-8). Make you way to H-7 and go in the door there. Kill the mobs in this room then click the ???
7. You touch the statue at (H-8) and get a cutscene.


Enter the Talekeeper 8-2

You are to investigate the Kuftal Tunnel which connects Zepwell Island with Cape Teriggan. Zerhun Mines guard Drake Fang will provide you with further details.

Talk to Drake Fang in Zeruhn Mines who gives you more information.

Very close to the Western Altepa Entrance to Kuftal Tunnel, there is a ???. Target it to get a "piece of wood".

Examine the ??? in the left corner on the top ledge. The dialogue should end with it saying the piece of wood fell down.
Send two people to pull. Sneak the person who will pop the mobs. That person will then pop the 3 NM ghosts by touching the ??? and move back to a safe distance.
Next, use some sort of ranged action to pull Gordov's Ghost, the largest one. Directly afterwards, have the second person re-sneak the puller.
Bring Gordov's Ghost back up to the top. Do not kill Gordov's Ghost until the other 2 have despawned.
Send everyone down to the ???, and wait for the two smaller ghosts to despawn.
Then, have everyone check the ??? for a cutscene.Talk to Drake Fang again for a long cutscene.